Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who speaks For Indians? A response to Terence Fernandez Down2Earth Column

I read with great interest the latest article written by Mr Terence Fernandez under the Column Down2Earth on the article “Who Speaks For Indians”.

While your input and suggestions are welcomed, I think it is unfair to say that MIC has not done anything for the Indians in its efforts to uplift the The Indian Community.

What about the millions spent on disbursements of study loans, micro-credit business loans, Tekun Business Loans, assistance provided to single mothers, rehabilitation of people with health problems etc to name a few. Was all this done by individuals or MIC?

MIC helps people who needs assistance wherever possible thru the Presidents office, division and branches and through its wings and associated establishments. Many of its leaders who do not hold any positions in the council, DUN or Parliament use their own transport incur time and money and through little donations assist the needy. Is this not selfless service?

I was at the Launch of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) last December at Sunway Convention Centre. The leader who you said was invited to the stage was invited because is the leading MIC as it was also to reflect the 1Malaysia concept.
Why are you so selective of this leader? What about a leader of the BN component party who lost the whole state to the opposition and made a senator, a minister who was also at the stage ?

MIC has acknowledged its weaknesses and has taken steps to reconnect with the people with training for its branch, state and national leaders through various programmes. Only a party that has a passion for the community will rebuild itself.
While I admit MIC can do and will do more, the new generation leaders and the team elected in September 2009 party election will work with the leadership to come up with comprehensive programmes to further uplift the community.

I welcome u to visit many of the MIC programmes to find out what is actually going on the ground to enable you to do a fair and correct reporting.


jay said...

Communication Medium:

This is a good way to reach out to the Malaysian Indians to inform of the government or MIC role
with regards to government policies, opportunities, programs for the Indians, business opportunities, and so forth.
My suggestion is to use TV/Radio/Magazines or Newspaper or even the Internet to reach out to all Indian Community. We should use more of the English language as many Indians, especially the youth today that are in the corporate world do not read the local Tamil newspaper. Thank you