Wednesday, May 28, 2008

JPA Scholarship and Matriculation places 2008

Mind Boggling! Thats what the students and parents of students who perform well in the recent SPM Examination are saying. Year after year this seems to be a problem. The Government in its efforts to address the problem has this year increased the number of JPA scholarship from 1800 to 2000. However the solution is not at sight. Media daily highlights the issues of students who appeal that they deserve the scholarship to pursue their burning pursuit to excel in their chosen field. Despite the JPA clarifying the selection criteria being used there seems to be dissatisfaction allround.

Should education be a privilege or a right of everyone ? Shouldn't those who excel be given a opportunity? It is time to come out with a very clear selection criteria and made known even before the students apply for those places?

The real issue is the transparency in the awarding of the scholarship and the distribution of places for matricluation. It will be good if the government comes out clean and say how was the places for the scholarship and matriculation were distributed among the races in malaysia and communicate this information to the respective political organisations that are championing their communities rights.


Puva said...

Education should be made available to everyone. Free up to Secondary school and minimal payment for tertiary education.

Private businesses and GLCs should provide grants to the universities. Get the students to participate in R&D and refocus the revenue model.

More R&D= more commercially viable products= more students with practical experience= better quality faculties=better utilization of taxable funds=better overall socio economic build up of population