Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lim Guan Eng vs Koh Tsu koon

Is it the new way of life ? Looking at the way Tan Sri Koh and YAB Lim Guan Eng debated the land issue in Penang it appears that Malaysians are looking at a professional way of how issues should is addressed. The crowd at the gallery was also made up of a very professional and matured crowd. Way to go Malaysia. If this is the way the people are made accountable for their decisions and actions, Malaysian is in the right path to becoming a developed nations.
My personal opinion is that Tan Sri Koh answered all questions directly without hiding any facts while the CM was not answering the questions raised directly. The way to go in future debates is the participants should address the questions raised so that the rakyat can get the answers the are looking for. All in all it is a great debate...liberalising to become a thinking nation.